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Level 31 Chipist
post #191580 :: 2024.06.09 5:31am
  sean liēkd this
something i noticed doing the render - when it loops i think a rogue Pxx command is keeping one part detuned - so i didn't let the piece loop in the render. if that was intentional though let me know, i can replace it

love the way you play with the little melodic gesture, it's so endearing and memorable! smart composition on display...
Level 29 Chipist
post #191595 :: 2024.06.09 10:07am
  lasersphaser liēkd this
oh yea, i noticed that too before submitting it, but i decided to allow the effect to pass through ^_^ its [Intentional Sound Design] !

and, thanks!!
Level 26 Chipist
post #193048 :: 2024.07.07 9:56pm
  sean liēkd this
Poetic. I like how the channels work together, like a tight, well rehearsed chamber ensemble

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