Level 11 Mixist

62nd Σ3.858

68th Σ3.828

75th Σ3.543

3rd eye shocktart 
43rd Σ4.420

visionquest in pants 
54th Σ4.057

GraphX • Draw
  63rd/82   Σ19.706   Sep 4th 2019 5:06pm
the year is 2021

yomaru's previous botb entries were only a small glimpse into his descent into madness - by now, yomaru has completely separated himself from his human form and he is now on a hunt to extract the souls of the last remaining chipmusicians out there.

puke can't run forever. soon enough he shall too become part of the great yomarentity. everything is yomaru. everything that is to come will be yomaru. trying to escape is meaningless if all that you escape to is more yomaru. life is nothing but a massive grotesque sandbox, existing only in the mind of our god yomaru kasuga. we were all willed into existence into this meaningless void to be punished for our sins. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape. there is no escape.


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pandavova - Railway Station HT-520

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sc - OK
Level 32 Chipist
post #113986 :: 2019.09.04 5:08pm
  VinsCool, argarak and wvl liēkd this
in case theres a yomaru-resubmit again, here
is the referenced image
Level 16 Chipist
post #113987 :: 2019.09.04 5:37pm
  MiDoRi, tennisers and argarak liēkd this
Level 23 Pixelist
post #114190 :: 2019.09.13 10:52am
  VinsCool liēkd this
Is this inspired by Garfield Gameboy'd?
Level 17 Chipist
DCT Master
post #114550 :: 2019.10.05 4:39am :: edit 2019.10.05 4:39am
  Karmic and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
to the picture that yomaru used, I get he's from the philipines, and is able to see things like that, that are almost like a daily thing to them (in some neighbourhoods). We in the west like to think that everything is fine and dandy and ignore the few bums in our cities, while there are whole neighbourhoods that are worse off than the bums here.

so some might get "triggered" by his image, while in alot of places in the philipines (and india) such poverty and places are a daily thing.

sorry he bursted your bubble that everything in the world is just fine, but he probably get's confronted by whole neighbourhoods like that if he takes a wrong turn in a city.
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #114554 :: 2019.10.05 6:44am
bullets dont work puke

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