Baron Knoxburry
Level 30 Mixist
12th Σ4.646

8th Σ4.753

14th Σ4.622

7th Σ4.994

tromboner in pants 
13th Σ4.312

operatus fiscal yearnings
  10th/25   Σ23.327   Dec 19th 2015 10:12pm
started this one before the company shutdown
came back to it here and there
renoise 1.8 and kontakt 4 are not ideal together

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maxvdub - Parting Words

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MovieMovies1 - Preparations
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #61787 :: 2015.12.26 9:08pm
I can tell by play and fav counts that this one isn't going to do very well. That's fine, but can I get any feedback on it? I spent a lot of time on it and would appreciate knowing how I could have made it better.
Level 20 Chipist
post #61788 :: 2015.12.26 9:33pm
  Baron Knoxburry and grundler liēkd this
harmonies/melodies feel kinda random and meandery towards the middle and onward. was this through-composed? i'm not sensing too much of any kind of form to it. might be more satisfying if there was more of an obvious pattern to things/less chaos. atonal music without a clear form can be pretty hard to listen to for most people. mind shedding some light on your compositional process/aims?
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #61791 :: 2015.12.27 12:57am
  Flaminglog and grundler liēkd this
sure, the first part i wrote while i had a job and then the company shut its doors so my life quickly became very meandering and uncertain; this is reflected here by a confusing devolvement
i always forget i need to forget my reality when composing and remember what the happy people need
my music should be like the christ or minotaur and not the apocalypse or labyrinth - this is why metal uses perfect 5ths in their power chords instead of flat 5ths which actually sound evil
Level 31 Chipist
post #156570 :: 2022.05.22 3:55am
its cute okay, hav another fav <3

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