so evocative! the glitchy textures up high serve as a great contrast to the contemplative icy chords washing up underneath. wonderful
Day 47
White. Blinding, nothingness, white. Stretching endlessly, a blank canvas that swallows all who dare paint it.
Yesterday's measly gains of a few kilometers were erased today in seconds by the whims of the Arctic winds. The captain's eyes are as empty and soulless as the ice itself. The crew whispers of mutiny, but there is no more fire in their words than there is life in this wasteland. The only life here is the mad whispers of the wind, the flickering shadows, and the needles of our compasses, which spin in circles, as if to mock our quest.
But there is one small fire which still flickers within me. The eternal flame of vengeance. Fed by the coal of Christmas Past.
Santa. I will find you.
.srm file to be loaded with gambatte emulator with lsdj ROM 9.3.9