Level 14 Mixist
post #196909 :: 2024.09.07 9:23am :: edit 2024.09.11 12:26pm
  SnugglyBun liēkd this
ohhhhh this comment is going to be LOOONG (like the longcat, i suppose). lots of things to say about this one.

1. it's called never because i am Never doing vocals again for an xhb, holy shit. the reason as to why these are so rough is because i only had one take and i ended up singing them at a slightly too high pitch, and i forgot to move one note down in newtone right at the beginning (this last one is the worst one), and i made them a bit too loud. (tbh you can tell i only got warmed up by the second bar lol)

unfortunately i wasn't able to sit down for the full 4 hours and thus lost about an hour and a half of my xhbing time so this one is very rough. nonetheless, people liked that there were vocals, and i'm surprised nobody else tried (though i suppose after this experience i know why).

anyways i swear i usually sing better than this lol, this is really embarrasing. but hey, i follow the golden maxim of "always submit, even if it's shit" (thanks roz for the words of wisdom)

2. this is my first botb entry made in fl studio! i initially considered doing parts of it in openmpt and parts in fl, but figured it would be way too difficult, so i did everything in fl instead.

the track consists, as i'd originally planned, of 3 main parts:

- a nitrofuranocore intro that convolves into the background noise of the song
- the main guitar-y portion of the song
- the chopped part at the end to buy me some time

the inspiration for the first one i've already named. the two later parts, however, are inspired by Jane Remover's discography; the guitar part is somewhat inspired by much of Census Designated (especially "Holding a Leech") and some songs off Frailty, whereas the chopped part is pretty much a less-cool-because-i-ran-out-of-time rip-off of the chopped portion from "kodak moment" (though it ended up sounding like the one from "how to lie").

the guitary section was supposed to have more guitars but i ran out of time (classic), i have some very good entirely vst guitar presets for shoegaze that i've experimented with in many of my earlier tracks (pre-botb; there's 2 years worth of material that nobody in the world has ever seen). it's an ongoing wish of mine to one day make an album that consists entirely of this kind of music, and this is the first time i actually completed a song in that concept (though how complete it is is rather Dubious).

anyways holy shit i am so tired after this one

no flp download because this one stinks lmao i have changed my mind, it's Good actually. here's the flp, complete with all the vocal stems including the unused ones, yolo: https://cloud.dissonant.dev/s/DrGSBwjnxeNofDN


it's upside down,
(my feet barely touch the ground)
it's all so loud,
(but i can hardly make a sound)
and i can't keep up,
i know it's hard to see me

i'm frozen shut
the clock is ticking till i
start to climb back up,
give me a rest, you know that i
have to take it slow,
even though i feel it
Level 23 Mixist
post #196910 :: 2024.09.07 9:26am
this one is really good. what are you talking about?

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