
blippy bubbly sms

None yet! =D/
big lumby
Level 26 Grafxicist
DefleMask Legacy

274th Σ4.082

235th Σ4.560

307th Σ4.012

chimney smoke 
293rd Σ4.286

snowballs in pants 
309th Σ4.147

mission: perforate-proof plastic
  293rd/389   Σ21.086   Dec 4th 2022 8:07pm
DAY 4 OF 25

you make your way throughout the heavily guarded compound. statues of the enemy brick garnish the walls as if it were some holy symbol to these people. you check your bag: there's not much, just a bunch of rusty tools that you're not even sure work these days, but it might just be enough. you slip on your camoflauge and slip in.

the infiltration has begun.

[begin pre-work musings]
this so far is legit hard to go back to after having so much experience with trackers leagues better than this one
i'm somehow making a lot of progress on this track though, which is good
legacy deflemask plain sucks. i've been dealing with a glitch where the noise channel, for whatever reason, triggers the instrument i've got selected at a non-random time. it's results range from a slight hum to loud noise factory. not fixing it cuz idc about defle enuff to spend the effort
[end pre-work musings]

the glitch didn't happen after getting back from work. this thing still reeks lmao
did some crazy stuff with it at least
greetz + kudos to everyone who put up with 0.12.1 like i did o/

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TristEndo - Yo Ho Ho

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gotoandplay - what the dickens
Level 31 Chipist
post #163898 :: 2022.12.07 8:30am
  big lumby liēkd this
all the light, soft, blippy textures are a delight to listen to, and i really enjoyed the song for that reason, but the melodies and harmonies don't feel like they convey a stealth-mission type feel either, and there isn't much tension/release throughout

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