This is fantastic! I love everything about the percussion, especially the high crinkly bits and the light touch throughout.
The Eurasian Magpie is a bird in the crow family that is commonly believed to have an interest in shiny objects like rings and coins, though they show no preference. This penchant for trinkets was the inspiration for a game I started playing earlier this spring: magpie by sunil, which I sampled for some of the percussion sounds.
There's also the Australian Magpie, which is not closely related to the former bird. They're the infamous spring swoopers of pedestrians and cyclists, and there's no sign as sure as this that spring has sprung in Australia.
timbre inspired by frums, chroma, and chiptune in general (mfw there are five timbres of bitcrushed sinewave)
composed in three days and one sleepless night
Fun fact: In the first part of the song before the newscaster sample, I recreated the exact order in which the sounds are heard in a recording of myself playing the game.
magpie is out on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-63103583/magpie/s-nIox6vVwTMZ?si=d4ddacf1b759472584808b4655826251&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing