Level 21 Chipist
ZX Spectrum beeper

heart magic 
218th Σ4.441

brain tech 
217th Σ4.437

bleep plan 
223rd Σ4.524

tweak tact 
233rd Σ4.310

our winter pants 
228th Σ4.325

  231st/324   Σ22.038   Feb 1st 2023 12:02am
Don't you just hate when you're walking along enjoying your day, and it starts to rain frozen ice down everywhere.... All of a sudden you're moving fast, dodging swerving vehicles and vaulting over fences, all while slip-sliding along due to the level's ice physics...

just a fun challenge to see what musical ideas you can convey with two tones with no volume controls and i usually end up gettin a lil funky, tried to have some motifs, tried to vary it up and keep it entertaining, tried to have a good intro and ending...

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02FD - i did not have sexual relations with that drum loop.mod

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Jacksonite - scene
Level 31 Chipist
post #166517 :: 2023.02.01 6:31am
  cabbage drop, YQN and Beej liēkd this
i could definitely see myself guiding a little guy around with the dpad/arrow keys to this. sometimes the guy jumps and slides. i wonder if he shoots. does he shoot? hm.
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #167007 :: 2023.02.10 1:31pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
I enjoy the instrumentation, nice sounds! Gave me kero kero vibes a bit.

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