
aliasing descriptioncore haunted house upscaled

None yet! =D/
house Of
  Jan 5th 2025 7:37am
atop the white wispy snow lays the residence of a being whos surroundings contradict the essence of its soul.

what is this being? nobody knows. some report it's hard to say there was even anything alive in there to begin with.

but it's there. rumours are spreading of walls being banged on, like something's trying to escape.

the doors are welded shut. even the strongest forces known could not break its hinges.

but after each and every visit to the residence, we produce more and more evidence of the creature's existence.

the creature, or whatever it is, is a prisoner to its own vessel. perhaps this was caused by others, or itself.

who knows, honestly. you'd think it'd be fun to live in a wacky house like that...


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