hold the christmas heist
  Dec 1st 2024 4:35am
a heist-like song
song length: 1:34
btw this song was made in furnace

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th4 D34D - XM4S 3V3

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sasami - vodkaeggnog

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Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #202295 :: 2024.12.01 4:29am
Hey hey far from a troll entry, this is legit fam. Nice aggressive sound design. I assume the stutters at the end were intentional and gives it some really unique flair. Cool shjt family.
Level 14 Chipist
Ludvig Almquist
post #202296 :: 2024.12.01 4:31am :: edit 2024.12.01 4:54am
  th4 D34D liēkd this
thx! i tried my best to not waste a lot of chips and the final result was definently worth it.
also i accidentaly left the 0D thingy in the end of the song and that's why it stuttered. i'll resubmit the entry later tho.
i also wanted a bit of inspiration from my opl3 song kaos i allt in my allgear song.
Level 24 Mixist
post #204088 :: 2024.12.14 9:49pm
This has a nice groove to it.

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