
draw one screen

grassy land
  Nov 1st 2024 3:00am
just a simple grassy land


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Level 29 Chipist
post #200128 :: 2024.11.01 10:24am
  ItsDuv liēkd this
wow... (just for submitting an entry...)
Level 11 Playa
post #200295 :: 2024.11.03 11:24pm
  RevvoBolt, Collidy and arceus413 liēkd this
A few notes on building Zelda Classic (a.k.a. ZQuest?) from source:

It is one of the stupidest build setups of recent memory. It documents a list of a dozen or so dependencies but then proceeds to pull in six, large, completely separate dependencies on its own accord (perhaps pinned to old or modified versions), which it installs into a sub-directory like some kind of Docker Flatpak wanna-be. The Zelda Classic project has been around for what, a couple of decades now? You would think they would have a clean, rational build process by now.

... and then the build fails because of overzealous use of [[maybe_unused]] attributes.

Once built, Ludvig's map comprises a single screen of grass...

... and 127 screens of blackness:

˙dɐɯ sᴉɥʇ uo ”sʇǝɹɔǝs“ uǝppᴉɥ 'oʍʇ ʎllɐnʇɔɐ ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥ┴ :ʇou noʎ ʇᴉɥs I

Somebody please take the render points; I have a reputation to keep here.
Level 14 Chipist
Ludvig Almquist
post #201281 :: 2024.11.18 5:16am
well, i have no idea on how to make this map 1 screen only so yeh...

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