Great stuff!!!!!!
this ended up being short, i intended to make it longer but shit happened + i was w/o ideas (even though golgi gave me some good ones, thx golgi!) so one can say this is incomplete. but i hope you like it anyways!
i made this with s3m>a2m conversion (since at2 opens s3m) but it was a pain because the volume levels are completely different and other stuff i had to manually fix in a tracker i dont really like using, but im glad with the result
.s3m file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nfew6wi34pso4zl/nnnnnnnnn.s3m?dl=1
i did several changes to it so i wouldnt have to fix a huge lot of stuff manually (like changed the volume values/effects via find/replace, for instance)
also thanks xemo and m9m and everyone else who listened to the previews i sent!