Level 8 Mixist
2nd Σ5.899

5th Σ5.417

3rd Σ5.605

3rd Σ5.670

funk in pants 
8th Σ5.173

Level 28 Chipist
post #75398 :: 2016.12.24 10:41am
  sleeparrow and illyasviel liēkd this
cool vocals. i love that sort of open hi-hat and wish there were more of them. the lead guitar might be a bit loud in the mix.
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #75404 :: 2016.12.24 1:20pm
  illyasviel and maxvdub liēkd this
Great job Illy! This full on Funk track could be your next hit music project. Although, I don't really hear any chiptune elements or direct soundchip usage for the 'bits' sound, but I could still see this being a track for a cutscene or a trippy sequence in a modern game (like when you 420 in GTA V, would have loved this song playing hahaha).
Level 20 Chipist
post #75407 :: 2016.12.24 1:47pm
  lilifremen, sc, gotoandplay, th4 D34D and Zillah liēkd this
this is an allgear battle. i'm pretty sure for at least this battle there's no obligation to be chippy at all.
Level 25 Chipist
post #75432 :: 2016.12.25 12:40am
  illyasviel and maxvdub liēkd this
Hahahaha yes!
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #75507 :: 2016.12.26 12:12am :: edit 2016.12.26 12:16am
  lilifremen, illyasviel and maxvdub liēkd this
oh no don't get me wrong, I think it's perfect for the comp, and sounds like it would be a hit in any modern AAA game. Awesome job! But if you haven't already, you should definitely write a full album or EP of this stuff and release it. Sounds label worthy to me.
Level 26 Mixist
post #75966 :: 2017.01.02 5:32am
  lilifremen, illyasviel, maxvdub and th4 D34D liēkd this
Whoa this is funky! Don't worry Illyasviel Allgear battles are not chiptune battles. Your track is 100% funk great work!
Level 0 n00b
post #76024 :: 2017.01.02 11:03pm
  Zillah, illyasviel and maxvdub liēkd this
This is the epitome of LSD 70's funk. Thinkin of those hippie flowers and lava lamps. Sick song \o/
Level 8 Mixist
post #76144 :: 2017.01.04 2:30pm
  lilifremen liēkd this
mootbooxle asked if this song was recorded to tape in jangler's stream. it was actually recorded digitally. however, t-racks plugins were used to master the song, which are intended to emulate vintage gear. a compression plugin designed to mimic the fairchild 670 was used on the overall mix.
Level 22 Mixist
post #76435 :: 2017.01.08 9:26am
  maxvdub liēkd this
wow, this is great. i wish the mix was a little tighter and i wish the high vocals weren't so campy. but this is a really fun piece.

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