[20:38] <Sketchime3> lol I had to run errands right at the end so I didn't have time to put in actual text, lol
[20:40] <Sketchime3> k so, the story is
[20:40] <Sketchime3> the green ninja said something smack talky (**actually let's just say he holla'd yo**), then he made a groucho marx possibly inappropriate pun and the pink one got mad
[20:41] <Sketchime3> you eediot
[20:42] <Sketchime3> and then the the pink ninja attacked the green one and then the green one accideentally jumped off a cliff while dodging
[20:43] <Sketchime3> and then the pink one "attacked" with the Kusari side of it's weapon so the green could grab on and save itself
[20:43] <Sketchime3> and then they were like oh no we're off balance and we'll both fall
[20:44] <Sketchime3> and then the green one let go and saved the pink one
[20:44] <Sketchime3> in a self-sacrificing gesture
[20:44] <Sketchime3> that's the story
[20:45] <Sketchime3> i hopre you like it
[20:45] <kfaraday> !
[20:45] <commandycan> now that that is over who wants to nsf ohc
[20:45] <kfaraday> thats a good story
[20:40] <Sketchime3> k so, the story is
[20:40] <Sketchime3> the green ninja said something smack talky (**actually let's just say he holla'd yo**), then he made a groucho marx possibly inappropriate pun and the pink one got mad
[20:41] <Sketchime3> you eediot
[20:42] <Sketchime3> and then the the pink ninja attacked the green one and then the green one accideentally jumped off a cliff while dodging
[20:43] <Sketchime3> and then the pink one "attacked" with the Kusari side of it's weapon so the green could grab on and save itself
[20:43] <Sketchime3> and then they were like oh no we're off balance and we'll both fall
[20:44] <Sketchime3> and then the green one let go and saved the pink one
[20:44] <Sketchime3> in a self-sacrificing gesture
[20:44] <Sketchime3> that's the story
[20:45] <Sketchime3> i hopre you like it
[20:45] <kfaraday> !
[20:45] <commandycan> now that that is over who wants to nsf ohc
[20:45] <kfaraday> thats a good story