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Level 2 n00b
John Favourite
post #200549 :: 2024.11.09 3:55pm
I've never heard an NES sound like this O:

Is this using one of those modern fantasy chips?
Level 14 Chipist
Ludvig Almquist
post #200594 :: 2024.11.10 12:27am
i gue- wait did john just comment in my fami-song?
Level 24 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #200823 :: 2024.11.13 11:43pm
  Kalowe liēkd this
Damn this is simplistic but also so grooving at the same time. Could totally break into a full song right where it ends haha.
Level 14 Chipist
Ludvig Almquist
post #201087 :: 2024.11.15 6:19pm
haha true

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