cool tone here, it's pretty quiet overall but it's a nice, contemplative atmosphere. i like the white noise.
i'm not sure if .it is technically a legal file extension for the OpenMPT format, although since .mptm is just .it with a bunch more features, i don't really see why it wouldn't be alright - i mean it doesn't do anything that wouldn't sound the same in mptm... buuuut you might want to resave your file as .mptm, make sure everything sounds fine, and resubmit it, just in case : )
i'm not sure if .it is technically a legal file extension for the OpenMPT format, although since .mptm is just .it with a bunch more features, i don't really see why it wouldn't be alright - i mean it doesn't do anything that wouldn't sound the same in mptm... buuuut you might want to resave your file as .mptm, make sure everything sounds fine, and resubmit it, just in case : )