heh... 1MB is the max size of NSF. :X
The taxman brings a prediction!
"Yikes, the Omnibus Bank of BotB is in the red! Everyone will be paying 20% next May!"
best choir crazy deflemask deflemask nsf descriptioncore epic essaycore minusminus pcm abuse plusplus speedy thick
Oh man did this project ever give me trouble... made the whole intro and the file corrupted O,O ...so I went back and remade it, and learned that NES projects in Defle can't exceed the file limit size or bad things happen. Lesson learned. Also, this is the last 2a03 I do in Defle, as the output NSF will not play in VirtuaNSF and seems like it doesn't sound anything like the actual defle file. So, I got famitracker and that's it for future NSF, lel. But for now, here it is, my first NES/2a03 tune! In love now.
None the less, learned a butt load making this. I composed the PCM stuff (that gave me such a headache) and went ahead and as usual made my own instrument patches (man I still have a lot to learn there). This one was inspired by all of you amazing botbrs that I have come to admire so much.
For high quality, if you'd call this low-bit-mono chiptune that, I recommend listening to the mp3 render or the defle source: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/101990255/D34D%20-%20epicNES.dmf
*...but if you really want to check out the NSF, first off you must rename the file and take out the emoticon that botb added to the end of it. I used nsfplay23 and nestopia to test it and it played fine, although a bit fast in nestopia lol. It will NOT work in virtuansf1022, or at least it didn't for me, and I was unable to properly convert it using nsfimport_v0.5, so it is what is! Sorry if it doesn't play in your favorite NSF player, but let me know if you get it working on hardware, I'd love to hear that!
*resubmitted to fix the mp3 render
Picture that you are on a cliff side, overlooking a cold barren beach and mystic blue ocean. It's the D34d 0v w1nt32 and there is a light snow falling. You contemplate the loss of so many amazing, inspirational talents that were taken from us in the past year, and you decide to jump. As you descend, time begins to slow... it seems to become infinitely slower. And then everything stops.
You are suddenly whisked away by a force that you can't comprehend, tugging you at hyper speeds through the atmosphere and deep into the cosmos, stars and distant planets zoom by. You pass by distant colonies of species you never imagined exist. The wonders you see are tremendous, and in what seems like an instant you begin to approach the end of the universe.
You feel your consciousness begin to elevate as you become a being of pure energy, and as the end of the universe draws near, a small planet comes into focus. The intense momentum fades and you find yourself descending toward the planet's surface. You have arrived.
Your corporeal form is restored and .... it's an EPIC FUCKING DUBSTEP PARTY BITCHES! That's fucking right, David Bowie, Prince, Alan Rickman, that old Betty White, they are all partying like it's 1999 (except with more dubstep). OH and who is that you spot in the corner? IT'S ME MOTHA FUCKAAA!!!! YESS! We fist bump and rail some crazy intergalactic synthetics, and begin to party our butts off as the roooooom beeggginnss tooo geett alll triiipppyyy aannnddd tehh waallsss arree breeaaathhiinnNGGG BROO!! @_@
What in teh hell just happened?! I think you need a minute to go outside and get some fresh alien air while you ponder everything that you just saw... what a journey! And all in under 4 minutes!! You are quickly becoming quite teh traveler.
Strange, but as you breathe the air and look up at the sky, it almost looks the same as... wait, you look back down and... you are back, standing at the bluff. The wind whips at your face, and tiny snowflakes melt on your nose.
P.S. Get off of BotB, it'll ruin your life... and chip tunes still suck!
please feel free to submit your own stories below <(^_^<) ♪♪ [>o.o]>