Level 12 Chipist
classic DOS module

cool breeze 
64th Σ4.797

face melt 
27th Σ5.037

fun in sun 
26th Σ5.252

excite the night 
50th Σ5.050

burning pants 
60th Σ4.681

du, katten
  45th/200   Σ24.817   Aug 1st 2016 3:35am
An old chiptune that was made back in 2012

previous entry
BubblegumOctopus - Cicada Launch

nextious entry
Pegmode - No Geodudes on Mt. Amber
Level 23 Mixist
post #71372 :: 2016.08.22 8:37am
  Felix liēkd this
Entering with a track that was composed and published on soundcloud about four years ago.

Can someone confirm again whether this is acceptable or not? I rembember at the time of Spring Tracks V someone saying that pre-made tunes are fine as long as the'yre specifically made for the Major and not published elsewhere. Does anyone know about?=?
Level 12 Chipist
post #71379 :: 2016.08.22 10:29am
Sorry if thats frowned upon or against the rules! Should i remove it? /kind of a n00b
Level 11 Playa
post #71437 :: 2016.08.23 2:01am :: edit 2016.08.23 2:01am
  Felix liēkd this
If I'm not mistaking, major battles only allow for original content. It isn't mentioned in the battle info, but it's sort of expected that people hand in tracks made specially made for said battle. But I'm just as n00b as you so i dunno.

BTW, cool track
Level 12 Chipist
post #71439 :: 2016.08.23 2:30am :: edit 2016.08.23 2:31am
Thanks guys! Everyday is a fucking school day at BotB 8) I'll get an admin to delete it.
Level 25 Chipist
post #71441 :: 2016.08.23 3:19am
  Felix liēkd this
I threw some old tracks in some of my first entries here and nobody gave me grief. I think the idea is to put forth your current best for these compos and see how you stack up against your peers, but I don't think it's an absolute "law" that it has to be super current but I could be wrong. If you feel one of your older tracks is good enough to compete I don't see anything wrong with it personally. This track is cool and has a lot of effort put into it, so I don't think anyone should have a problem with it being here. The song is good, and has the proper format for download so I think it should stay :). Although, in the future it might be better if you make new tracks or finish unreleased ones specifically for the compos here so that it's new content that people can vote on in order to rate your current best. I think the spirit of BOTB has a lot to do with self-improvement, so making something new for big compos isn't quite required but is a good idea. At least that's how I see it but I could be wrong :). Great track either way, and don't mind me rambling :P
Level 8 Criticist
post #71594 :: 2016.08.25 11:30pm
  Felix liēkd this
well i'm just here to say this song is great and that there is a bug in handling comma's on the site so the download link doesn't work.

here is the fixed link for those who care.

Level 12 Chipist
post #71625 :: 2016.08.26 7:41am
Thanks alot for all your great comments! And thanks for fixing the link Automatonsubsys! I had noooo idea. I've asked Puke7 to delete the track because I don't know any other admins, just so you guys know. Eternal love and all that
Level 30 Chipist
post #72294 :: 2016.09.10 3:42pm
  Felix liēkd this
As long as the track hasn't been submitted to a previous competition platform (whether it be BotB or another site), it's allowed to be submitted!

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