Level 18 chipist
15th Σ4.309

6th Σ5.521

13th Σ4.366

15th Σ4.248

recorder in pants 
15th Σ4.296

bugs in the supermarket
  13th/18   Σ22.740   Jul 17th 2022 8:22am
Last minute submission but maybe it's fun. I recorded some stuff outside with my phone and played some synths over it.

part 1 -
I tried to record some of the awesome bug noises here in the summertime in South Korea , cicaidas, etc. This was next to a river where a lot of people are riding bicycles and jogging. Mostly I think you can just hear the wind though lol.

part 2 -
Shopping at the local supermarket. I don't know what song is playing, I should've shazam'ed it. I put my phone in the shopping cart so I think that's what all that ruffling noise is.

When I was checking out I was trying to buy the special plastic bags you use to dispose food garbage in. I tried to buy 5 of them but I think the cashier thought I wanted the 5L size lol. Oh well at least we have enough food garbage bags now.

previous entry
kleeder - New Path

nextious entry
Lint_Huffer - Nature's Outside of My Car
Level 31 Chipist
post #158379 :: 2022.07.18 11:26am
  tennisers, mcfiredrill and Viraxor liēkd this
i was actually able to shazam the song just from your recording, which is pretty wild O_O i wanted to know too, lol

it is "섹시한 남자" by MAMAMOO google translate tells me this means "sexy man" and i really hope that's true

ANYWAY i really enjoyed your piece, i liked the bugs and synths (the blippy guy came on a little strong but i got used to him), and enjoyed the shopping cart ridealong
Level 18 chipist
post #158683 :: 2022.07.24 8:12pm
  damifortune liēkd this
Ah yes, I remember the vocoder intro from this song now. My Korean is terrible but yes that is what it means.

Thanks for listening! Enjoyed this whole battle alot. We should do field recording again
Level 30 Mixist
post #158870 :: 2022.07.31 8:21am
i would add a small attack to the initial synth and a bit more decay so it feels less "sharp". also maybe temposyncing the delay would have worked. i liked the percussion and other synth

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