Level 25 Chipist

heart magic 
131st Σ4.920

brain tech 
170th Σ4.644

bleep squeeze 
99th Σ5.102

deep tweak 
162nd Σ4.606

the winter of our pants 
129th Σ4.725

a sitcom about gem-encrusted scones
  139th/317   Σ23.997   Jan 20th 2021 9:04pm
imagine, if you will, 2A03 + MMC5, and an overt reference to Sconal Shift later on
also imagine a sitcom airing at 8PM AST, starring several scones of varying amounts of baked-ness (see: twice and thrice-baked, stoned, and sconed). The show revolves around the complex web of relationships and lies between the scones, and in each episode a scone is encrusted with glistening gems and crowned the monarch of Scotland (using the stone of scone (which is a real thing, (as far as i can tell) look it up) of course). Of course! of course... anyway the show doesn't last for more than a season (it was too cerebral for the frothing masses, go figure), so the only evidence that it has ever existed is this song. Plus, i just wrote this song AND this description so it really doesn't seem like it exists at all, huh. how aboot you just use your imagination then eh ya rascal. sorry.

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Level 19 Chipist
post #137813 :: 2021.03.02 8:18am
  RadamLee liēkd this
Radically excellent, I love it so much. Such an exciting song.
Also, today you have taught me that there is a difference between the real Stone of Scone, and the Scone of Stone from Discworld.

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