Level 24 Chipist
post #175806 ::
2023.08.27 11:29am :: edit 2023.08.27 11:33am
Delita, Abraxas86, cabbage drop, Retro Gracz and damifortune liēkd this
Delita, Abraxas86, cabbage drop, Retro Gracz and damifortune liēkd this
The hardware envelope was designed to control volume but musicians have been using it at audible rates to make it an oscillator. Since it wasn't designed to run at high frequencies, the pitch resolution doesn't allow for precise tuning. Also the chip only has one so you can't use it on separate channels with different settings, as with the noise.
Using the envelope with the square at the same pitch can produce cancelling because the frequencies are not exactly the same, the result will be different with every note because the difference between the square freq and the env freq will not be consistent.
Using the envelope with the square at the same pitch can produce cancelling because the frequencies are not exactly the same, the result will be different with every note because the difference between the square freq and the env freq will not be consistent.