Holy freaking crap this is great.
Absolutely in love with the instrumentation.
Absolutely in love with the instrumentation.
sorry that i can't be found when everyone's around. i lay close to the ground, it makes me nervous.
why should i apologize for things i can't control? i'd like to let you know, but i'm still hiding
sorry that i'm so washed out. i stay close to myself, avoiding something else when i get anxious.
this is barely even true but when it comes for you, no one will see it through, they think you're lying
Telecaster + Holy Grail + MXR Overdrive + Korg R3 + Me Mouth + Yamaha PSR170 lol + Renoise and samples obv. also my friend dylan said "ay"
i'll probably end up re-recording this one with full band instrumentation. so yippee kayay.