Level 29 Chipist
ansi art

heart magic 
58th Σ5.610

brain tech 
24th Σ5.928

bleep plan 
69th Σ5.643

tweak tact 
8th Σ6.034

our winter pants 
137th Σ5.017

Level 22 Chipist
post #182918 :: 2024.01.15 10:02pm
  sean liēkd this
I see I'm not the only one who saw XIX and thought "oh, major arcana!"

he's a friendly lil devil!
Level 27 Chipist
post #182959 :: 2024.01.16 10:10pm
  sean liēkd this
Great concept and execution! Love your use of color.
Level 31 Chipist
post #182992 :: 2024.01.17 6:56am
  kilowatt64, lasersphaser, blockblockblock, Kaytse, Abraxas86 and sean liēkd this
i love this ever-growing series of yours - you are probably the only person to have ever created ANSI tarot cards and i love it. brilliant and unique. wonderful bright colors in this one.
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #184292 :: 2024.02.10 10:24am
  sean liēkd this
what dami said! this is a really cool throughline you're having with a lot of your ansi major entries. it makes me excited for the next one every time ngl
Level 14 Grafxicist
post #186860 :: 2024.03.14 1:18pm :: edit 2024.03.14 1:20pm
  sean liēkd this
I also agree, I'm a big fan of tarot card designs, and these are awesome! I like the silly face the devil has, and that little guy on the bottom left looks fruity
The colourful design in the bg looks super cool, and that hand is really good also!

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