Level 19 Mixist

345th Σ4.019

383rd Σ3.870

244th Σ4.809

frozen lake 
329th Σ4.265

hot chocolate in pants 
399th Σ3.879

Winter Shortwave
  360th/441   Σ20.842   Dec 19th 2023 1:37pm
I guess I kinda went off-bitpack here. I was originally going for something that one would groove to during the chill-out break of a dance party - the "sway your hips and twirl aimlessly but in sincere appreciation" sort of dance. However, the longer I spent with it, the more abstract it got, and the more I started leaning into a "trying to find a good song on the radio" motif. So does it fit the bitpack? I don't know. If there was a space on actual Big Money dancefloors for Aphex Twin or Portishead back in the day, then maybe there's a space on the BotB dancefloor setlist for this. You be the judge. I'm getting used to not badging, anyway.

Big thanks to Kleeder for the it2fss tool.


Format-wise, fSound is a bit of a weird duck. I guess I'd describe it as sort of AHX but for PC beeper instead of SID.

AHX makes sense - it's an emulation of the SID as powerful as early-90s hardware could reasonably hope to pull off. It's not completely authentic, no, but again, early-90s hardware. If it's 1996 and you want to make SID sounds but don't feel like digging out your old Commodore from your attic, poof, there's AHX. It's not exactly the same, sure, but it definitely gets the job done.

fSound is much more haphazard - "okay, so like, you want to do old-school PC beeper noises but all you have is a Windows box with DirectSound or whatever. So with this you can do square waves, just like PC beeper, and the markup is basically the PLAY command in BASIC. On top of that, we'll throw in simple white noise, which was, like, technically possible to do on a PC beeper, but kind of a pain in the ass. But no PWM, which was probably easier on a PC beeper than white noise. Now let's throw in two 8-bit mono samples for some reason even though they'd never sound like this on a real PC beeper doing rapid-fire gate-flicks for arbitrary sound. Okay, neat!"

It definitely feels like a fantasy-chip/toy-computer. Now, I certainly don't have anything against fantasy-chips, but fSound just doesn't seem to have much of an overarching Sense, capital-S, to it. I don't dislike it, but it feels much more like a bitpack than a format.


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Snowdune - Round and Round

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TristEndo - Mushroom 2023
Level 31 Chipist
post #181300 :: 2023.12.20 5:42am
  cabbage drop, lasersphaser and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
musically i love this, i'm a big fan of the stutters and halting repeats and noise interjections, all of it

completely agree about this format lol, it really is so silly. the highly specific limitations can be fun to work with in their own right, but the appeal of writing for "a random exe file someone made in 2010" is uhh quite a bit different than "an old, widely used soundchip/console/machine". the samples, while the most fun part of the format for me, definitely make zero sense, and honestly the fidelity of everything feels too high for what it is
Level 28 Chipist
post #181827 :: 2023.12.28 3:02pm
  mirageofher, cabbage drop and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
*smacks TV again
Argh I keep getting static from this antenna, I just wanna watch local news coverage of the downtown Christmas festival
Level 21 Chipist
post #181853 :: 2023.12.28 8:26pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
I really like the concept and execution here. Everything feels 'right'.
Level 21 Chipist
post #182043 :: 2024.01.01 9:35am :: edit 2024.01.01 9:35am
for i=1,1000000 do

dumb lua joke aside
nice entry
definitely has radio vibes

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