mdx on the year 2010...Who would have thought of rescuing it in these times.
Angstie kids these days and their angstie rave music ;____;
Angstie kids these days and their angstie rave music ;____;
Wicvuh: A Tribute... To Nothing!
Yeah, my first song submission <:D
I wrote this groovy babe in MML, using the MXDRV driver for the SHARP X68000. The X68k used a YM2151, so what you're hearing is PURE FM AND SEX :DDDD
You can grab the .MDX at http://trap15.no-ip.org/wicvuh.mdx
You can grab the .MUS at http://trap15.no-ip.org/wicvuh.mus
For playing .MDXs, I highly recommend MDXWin, even if you're on Linux or Mac or whatever!
Start yer ravin'!