Level 31 Chipist
classic DOS module

9th Σ5.512

20th Σ5.501

frozen lake 
4th Σ5.915

chimney smoke 
7th Σ5.658

gingerbread in pants 
14th Σ5.537

What You Have Loved You May Never Love Again
  5th/304   Σ28.124   Dec 18th 2021 4:26pm
wrote this with the window open on a rainy day... in the middle of December. it's been above 60°F for over a week and apparently will be on into Christmas, and it reminds me that winter is only ever going to get warmer, shorter, weirder.

Advent Diary Day 18:
oh boy, more samples i sent in (some of them anyway)! another exciting day, i've really enjoyed doing classic DOS module battles this past year. i feel pretty comfortable in OpenMPT (and trackers in general) by this point so i look forward to doing and learning more! (i especially wanna do more mptm so i can use the PC events lol)

the title is a riff on the six parts seven song "what you love you must love now", i was thinking about them and the album leaf while working on this (although it didn't turn out much like either of their musics)

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Biruhan - Abstraction

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damifortune - Cold City Night, Snow on the Sidewalk
Level 31 Chipist
post #150172 :: 2021.12.20 7:12pm
  mirageofher and damifortune liēkd this
lovely atmosphere!

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