
cheerful short


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Level 31 Chipist
post #192577 :: 2024.06.29 6:59am
  blockblockblock liēkd this
i know you were having A Time with the tracker so you can take this with a big grain of salt but i liked where this was going and felt like we'd just built up to main song energy and then it faded out! ah well. glad you gave ntrq a shot
Level 20 XHBist
post #192602 :: 2024.06.29 12:51pm :: edit 2024.06.29 12:51pm
yeah honestly that's how I felt about it too - this song idea deserved better than this iteration in NTRQ, but I had other stuff going on anyway, so - if there was a round where I could afford to spend as much time on an entry, I guess it's just as well it was this one 😓

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