

We're All Time Travelers In A Way
  Feb 1st 2025 8:29am
"As one era comes to a close, another emerges in its place" - someone very profound, probably

big OpenMPT entry. had alot of fun with this one. decided to go for a slow vibey and progressive song and ultimately it went places that im happy it did. took inspiration from C418 - Alpha and special mission tracks from super stardust

yes, i am completely obsessed with super stardust amiga samples. they're too good!

(make sure to listen with interpolation off if you are going to donload)

previous entry
John Favourite - PUKE PUNCH!!!!!!

nextious entry
0nebins - The Age of Green Hats

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Level 21 Chipist
post #210095 :: 2025.02.01 1:20pm
  NikoAnimation liēkd this
major dami vibes with this
really do like how this goes from eerie to cheerful to eerie again in a loop of sorts, aswell as the c r u n c h e d samples

the drumbeat halfway was really nic
also funk 'n acid bass beat yoooooo

the slow pitching down at the latter part was lovely to listen 2
aswell as those "alien-ish" sounds near the true end

near 7m
pure soundscaping (i think thats the term)

anyways, you get a
traveling stardust / 7

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