big lumby
Level 25 Grafxicist
ansi art

cool breeze 
14th Σ5.907

sweaty glasses 
7th Σ6.070

longer days 
1st Σ6.423

brighter mornings 
14th Σ5.883

sun in pants 
3rd Σ6.251

Virty the Buddy
  4th/288   Σ30.534   Jul 30th 2024 10:06pm
She's here to make your computing life easier!


...been a while, huh?

yeah, college has been taking up so much of my time that it took until NOW to submit this. yeah, this was meant for wcxix!! it took me nearly eight months to finish it!!! estoy muriendo aaAAaAaaAAAAaA

in either case, hope you enjoy it! it's something that actually gets close to the max filesize of this format which i want to say is pretty rare but it's been a minute since i checked. rushed the ending a bit tho honestly i'm just glad i didn't forget about it. i took inspiration from pale dim's ansi entries which don't use iCE colors and damn was that a real limit this time. kinda makes up for me using half height font, huh

EDIT: something i noticed is that moebius turned the bright greens into dark greys in the render which sux. i'll try and get an accurate render up but in the meantime i highly recommend getting an ansi viewer and seeing it that way! or opening it in pablodraw/moebius itself, whichever works for you :)


previous entry
NardInYourYard - Rainforest 3D

nextious entry
A64 - transcendental
Level 8 Chipist
post #194379 :: 2024.07.31 9:24pm
  ItsDuv, NardInYourYard and Opilion liēkd this
  Hexer hæitd this
what the sigma
Level 31 Chipist
post #194406 :: 2024.08.01 5:28am
  ItsDuv, sean, Opilion and big lumby liēkd this
i didn't even know ansi could conceivably look this good
Level 21 Chipist
Arcane Toaster
post #194726 :: 2024.08.05 5:41am
  sean, Opilion and big lumby liēkd this
all ur ansi submissions are pretty much peak ansi tbh. i loveeee the dithering in this, its so pretty
Level 16 Chipist
post #194931 :: 2024.08.08 6:28am
  retrokid104 and big lumby liēkd this
"Summer Chip lore will never be deep, it is just fun silly chiptune contest"
Summer Chip lore:
Level 22 XHBist
post #195360 :: 2024.08.14 11:56pm
  big lumby liēkd this
Wow, this is next level! I love the designs and expressions (the "bruh" one is especially funny!). Awesome story and animations too - really had me hooked until the end! AND there's all sorts of fun little details and easter eggs! I totally didn't listen to Orangutans from Outta Space as the soundtrack when it showed up ;)

Awesome job on this! :D
Level 21 Chipist
post #195381 :: 2024.08.15 11:06am :: edit 2024.08.15 11:07am
  ItsDuv and big lumby liēkd this
since WHEN could this ansi be so TALL???

I really like the art, very nice
...never understood the story but art is art

peak dithering
peak animation
peak everything

this gets a
virty vs virus / 7
Level 22 Chipist
Titan of Plasma
post #196383 :: 2024.09.01 10:53am
  ItsDuv and big lumby liēkd this
Así es la vida, y todo eso.

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