This rules! I love the FX soundscapes and the tune shapes up really wobbly and cool.
(III) emerging with a few glitched up scrapes and bruises but altogether no worse for wear, our protagonist Justin Tonation makes pilgrimage with a strange-but-cute electrical rat thing, venturing forth upon the green Super Island, the Viridescent Isle of Vestiges... into the tall grass they must go in search of his friend Michael Tone!
samples from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. aka "peculiar folk 5" i guess. shout out doctorn0gloff and balkan beat box
info for the nerds - the scala file used is "dkring2.scl" which is the following:
0: 1/1 0.000000 unison, perfect prime
1: 21/20 84.467193 minor semitone
2: 7/6 266.870906 septimal minor third
3: 63/50 400.108480 quasi-equal major third
4: 9/7 435.084095 septimal major third, BP third
5: 27/20 519.551289 acute fourth
6: 7/5 582.512193 septimal or Huygens' tritone, BP fourth
7: 3/2 701.955001 perfect fifth
8: 14/9 764.915905 septimal minor sixth
9: 49/30 849.383098 larger approximation to neutral sixth
10: 5/3 884.358713 major sixth, BP sixth
11: 9/5 1017.596288 just minor seventh, BP seventh
12: 2/1 1200.000000 octave