Level 5 Chipist
Yamaha OPL2

newly minted 
135th Σ4.302

150th Σ4.287

161st Σ4.314

fresh factor 
99th Σ4.714

oops in pants 
127th Σ4.520

Try Again
  135th/260   Σ22.137   Nov 8th 2024 3:39pm
Started this song in some DAW a year ago, then abandoned it. Reworked from memory after playing the first arp testing out an instrument. I had a blast completing my first FM *and* Furnace track! Will probably revisit again this one day when I've learned more.

Update: Ok, so I may have de-cluttered some melodies and slowed down the tempo.

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Stupe - Make_Me_Some_Tea_B

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retrokid104 - faust
Level 5 Chipist
post #200589 :: 2024.11.09 10:39pm
  damifortune and RevvoBolt liēkd this
I did not mean to favorite this and now it cannot be undone u_u
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #200985 :: 2024.11.14 11:08pm :: edit 2024.11.14 11:09pm
  cabbage drop, damifortune, RevvoBolt, Kalowe and kilowatt64 liēkd this
Ahh nubs will nub fa sho haha. If you listen to your track a certain number of times, it auto-favorites it, pretty much everyone has done it lul.

The trick is to forget about it once you've hit submit and checked it once for bugs. Let your little child go and quit babying it. It's going off to make new friends at the Battle of the Bits now. You are just someone who gets visited once in a while when they want to come back to town to hang out with their old high school friends.

Great entry btw very chill. I favorited it on purpose

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