
fanfare fantasy march music rpg

Level 28 Chipist
Yamaha XG

148th Σ4.769

122nd Σ5.052

130th Σ4.960

chimney smoke 
187th Σ4.823

snowballs in pants 
149th Σ4.871

Triumphant Return
  146th/389   Σ24.476   Dec 18th 2022 10:09pm
Our adventurers return back to the town to a solemn fanfare. Tonight, we shall feast, for we have slain the dragon!

A short one here because I scrapped my first idea today. I used voice variants on some of the instruments, but I can't actually tell if the way I did it worked -- playing back in Falcosoft with sysxg50 plugged in, I see the correct PC / LSB values with each channel but it doesn't sound the same (they all seem to playback as the default instrument in each case). Not sure if it's something with how I did it or if I just don't have Falcosoft configured correctly.

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Webriprob - 13 variations on a bytebeat

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themnotyou - cUBE tREE
Level 31 Chipist
post #164672 :: 2022.12.19 10:24am :: edit 2022.12.19 10:24am
  kilowatt64 liēkd this
regarding the variant patches thing -- because your exported midi doesn't contain the line of SysEx for "XG Reset", Falco Lombardi's MIDI Special doesn't handle the variants right by default. you can get around this with the "Reset" button on the right-hand side of the player, just above the playlist portion of the GUI. if you right-click that button, you can select "XG" (instead of default "GS") and then all the MIDIs you run through it [that lack a reset SysEx] will have the XG reset applied to them automatically. i had trouble with this at first, too.

if you want i can replace your render
Level 28 Chipist
post #164675 :: 2022.12.19 11:24am
Thanks for the info! I need to figure out some of that SysEx stuff. And a render replacement would be much appreciated.

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