Level 28 Chipist

heart magic 
53rd Σ5.312

brain tech 
15th Σ5.866

bleep squeeze 
33rd Σ5.480

deep tweak 
18th Σ5.652

the winter of our pants 
41st Σ5.219

Tower Prism
  22nd/317   Σ27.528   Jan 30th 2021 9:09pm
350 years dominating the skyline and all those whose live beneath its gaze, but you don't really understand how massive the Tower Prism is until you're trying to run up the stairs.
That lunatic weapon maker promised the blade on this thing would be able to pierce the soul of any god and could even cut stars in half, but how the f**k could he really know that?? Everyone who would know said he was the only one who could make a thing like this, but its power can't even be tried out until it's too late to take notes for future improvements. In any case, right now we've got every obnoxious lesser demon, beast, and violent abomination in circulation to deal with before we get to the top.
Honestly, why even bother with the bats when you have all these other guys??

Everyone back home is anxious. They can't really grasp the scale of what might happen tonight, but they do know the penalty for failure is beyond anything imaginable. It would be nice to go home and hug everyone, to never fight again, to finally take your hand...
It really would be beautiful; a world without subjugation... But if death is what awaits us, that's its own freedom, isn't it? We'll do what we have to.

Try not to forget: the weak points are the eye and the heart.

(Render made with the MSGS soundfont running within DLS Music Device)

previous entry
doctorn0gloff - Calliope Reactor

nextious entry
kleeder - Falling Blocks
Level 31 Chipist
post #135734 :: 2021.01.30 9:15pm
  big lumby and BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
i love your music, and this song, so much

some delightfully crunchy chords, nice textures, and cool curveballs/changeups - my favorite moment is probably the piano stabs that start at 1:49, yum yum. that section reminds me of shnabubula a bit, come to think of it! very prog!

i must dive deep into your musical catalog, there is clearly much to love.
Level 22 Mixist
post #136752 :: 2021.02.18 9:56pm
  BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
very Yes
Level 8 Criticist
post #137844 :: 2021.03.02 6:18pm
  BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
so soulful. beautiful track

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