Level 13 Chipist
Lunar Magic

418th Σ3.109

404th Σ3.690

346th Σ4.388

frozen lake 
359th Σ4.126

hot chocolate in pants 
389th Σ3.942

To Snowdune City
  402nd/441   Σ19.255   Dec 18th 2023 1:35pm
Welcome! This is Snowdune City. In this strange land we find out that Cities have now been updated to include christmas decoration due to recent events.

After years of building, the festive sidewalks have finally become a reality with the patch.

In this level, you can traverse through a festive decorated city, open advent calenders, climb on christmas trees, meet new formats and have dozens of presents fall from sky on one day, featuring an all-new original soundtrack inspired by last year's introduction to adventism.


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TristEndo - laser robot gift card

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Level 28 Chipist
post #181178 :: 2023.12.18 4:20pm
  cabbage drop, Snowdune and mirageofher liēkd this
whoa this was a huge effort on your part! This is impressive. Lots of nice little touches too like the decorations and music, but even the little Nintendo guitar jingle \o/
Level 29 Mixist
post #181184 :: 2023.12.18 5:37pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
that gameover sound scared the neurons out of my brain
Level 27 Chipist
post #181207 :: 2023.12.18 8:51pm
  lasersphaser, cabbage drop and Snowdune liēkd this
I really enjoyed the custom music and the effort you put into the title screen/snow village. Very creative use of vanilla assets to make a snow town!

I wasn't a big fan of the main gameplay portion. From the title screen I was expecting a cozy snow village romp...instead I got deadly forest fuzzy land. It's fiendishly difficult, and not really in a fun way. Tiny platforms that slowly push you off the edge, muncher, enemy, and bullet bill spam, and awkward jumps. Many of the enemies and obstacles feel a bit arbitrary, and the level is difficult to read. I don't mind difficult levels, but I want them to feel more deliberate, if that makes sense.

The second section after the midpoint was creative, I liked the custom pine trees, and the falling layer 2 was a fun idea. As with the first section, I felt like the enemy placement was a bit random and excessive. That said, it wasn't quite as bad as the first section as the dangers were easier to see coming in advance.

Overall, 100/10 on style points and music points. Not a big fan of the gameplay but I am not that great at mario and thus biased to prefer a bit easier levels, so maybe it would be fine for a more skilled player.
Level 13 Chipist
post #181223 :: 2023.12.19 4:19am
  lasersphaser and cabbage drop liēkd this
Thanks for playing!

I've thought of combining multiple advent events into one connected level, which is an experience to pull off in objects and technicality.

The first section is intended to replicate the experience of decorating a christmas tree on various layers, with Mario climbing through each of the altitudes. I eventually run into sprite limitations while testing the level, having to come with comprimises on the way and adding reload and shortcuts whenever it's necessary.
Level 21 Chipist
post #181248 :: 2023.12.19 12:33pm :: edit 2023.12.19 12:33pm
  cabbage drop and Snowdune liēkd this
so much content!!! love the advent calendar mechanic! also hardest level maybe? appreciate the background music.
Level 31 Chipist
post #181259 :: 2023.12.19 1:12pm
  cabbage drop and Snowdune liēkd this
definitely impressed with the amount of Stuff you crammed into this, and seemingly so quickly since this was the first submission. lots of cute design ideas with the town. the core of the level was really challenging - started out making me think of mega man. for the most part i like the ideas presented, but being forced to be so near the edge of the screen and dying to random bullet bills was frustrating, likewise if they chose a dangerous Y value for when you needed to make your jumps or stand still. that scroller section was wild, kind of overwhelming but certainly an interesting concept. altogether great work putting something like this together so quickly
Level 32 Chipist
post #182559 :: 2024.01.09 11:41am
this was just frustrating to play, lots of unfair hits and enemy spawns, a weird obstacle design and untransparent path through the level.
i enjoy the general concept tho

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