bells chill cold elevator music FM icy melancholic mellow menacing moody mysterious OPL2 slow-paced wintery Yamaha
As you make your way up the icy mountainside, your hair frozen to your face like a waxy helmet, you lift up your eyes to see the Ice Palace looming over you ominously.
You walk through the gate into barren courtyard as your heart begins to beat faster and faster. The door opens in front of you and you enter to find a place frozen not only in place, but in time. It's as if time stopped in 1989, the days of the AdLib Sound Card. What FM surprises await you in this towering edifice? Probably some crappy bell sounds or something.
Made with two OPL2 Synthesizers - Yamaha PSS-480 and PSS-570.
Almost didn't make it cuz I've been sick and I'm a professional crastinator!