Level 17 Chipist
ZQuest Classic

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The Three Trials
  36th/260   Σ26.357   Nov 26th 2024 2:42pm
Can you conquer the 3 mazes and reach the mountaintop to play the sacred melody?

The game comes with a custom song as an .nsf, so be sure to put both of those in your zquest folders before running the game or you won't hear the music. If something seems messed up let me know, as this is my first time trying something like this.


previous entry
Lasertooth - New Formants / O8

nextious entry
haberchuck - Fleeting Embers
Level 32 Chipist
post #201999 :: 2024.11.28 7:52am
  cabbage drop, ASIKWUSpulse and icrawfish liēkd this
cute little puzzle-idea. i felt naked without a sword tho.
but yea it was fun!!!
Level 25 Chipist
post #202008 :: 2024.11.28 10:00am
  cabbage drop, gotoandplay and icrawfish liēkd this
Fun concept! I really liked that you used custom music that fit well to the setting!
Level 30 Chipist
post #205872 :: 2024.12.28 12:28am
  cabbage drop and icrawfish liēkd this
Gameplay video: https://youtu.be/W0rw18oCfWE

Neat concept with the combatless/puzzle only design! Even though they were all maze rooms, the way each one is presented makes them feel unique. On the first run I spent too long on the north puzzle not knowing you can control the direction :S and then I didn't realize you had to go back to actually finish the quest.
Level 24 Mixist
post #206841 :: 2025.01.01 11:41am :: edit 2025.01.01 11:41am
  cabbage drop and icrawfish liēkd this
Neat idea! I love the kind of puzzles that appear here -- disorienting yet simple and elegant.

I agree with funute that figuring out the motion in the north branch was a little obtuse; I also didn't understand how to find the clue for the west branch (though I'm not very familiar with Zelda conventions). Finally, I ran into two softlocks.

The first resulted from standing here.

The second came about when I used the candle on the final obstacle -- if I stood in the wrong place and missed, I was unable to use it again.

(Also, the gag at the end made me chuckle.)
Level 17 Chipist
post #206868 :: 2025.01.01 1:04pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
Interesting insight! I had caught a different softlock and left it in since it had speedrun potential, but I was unaware of that corner. Hopefully that didn’t cost you too much time. As for the candle, I believe that’s how it’s actually supposed to work; you only get one flame per screen, so if you miss you have to exit the screen and re-enter it to try again. It’s annoying, but I think that’s just how it works in the original.
Level 28 Chipist
post #207001 :: 2025.01.02 1:03pm
  ASIKWUSpulse, cabbage drop, damifortune and icrawfish liēkd this
the whistle made me chuckle

wow you really did a lot with this!

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