Level 31 Chipist

19th Σ5.249

44th Σ5.257

frozen lake 
14th Σ5.546

chimney smoke 
31st Σ5.206

gingerbread in pants 
9th Σ5.669

The Ice Truffles of Frostwolf Forest
  17th/304   Σ26.927   Dec 7th 2021 6:56pm
Though a dangerous mission it be, you venture into the eerie frozen landscape of Frostwolf Forest to forage up a gift for your beloved lifelong mushroom enthusiast companion, Mycol - the rare and elusive ice truffle. The radiant acoustics of the mysterious forest, which amplify strange fauna seen nowhere else, are unlike anything you've experienced in these lands and contribute to the otherworldly quality of this icy glade. And that's to say nothing of the generations-old legends of Frostwolf Forest... They told you not to go in there. They say something's in there. And they say all sorts of scary, scary stuff about it. It ain't just a frost wolf, that's for sure...

Advent Diary Day 7:
sunvox has some of the craziest effect commands i've ever seen! not only does it have probability notes, it can call up notes (and random notes) from other places, and even modify and copy its own patterns/tracks, which is insane from a generative music perspective. it would take a long time to accomplish but i'm certain some really interesting territory could be explored with more than a day's time to work.

i like what i made and would enjoy exploring this software more, though it really does strike me as the sort of thing you can spend nearly endless time tweaking because of how much setup there is, so i could see this being very time-consuming. its potential is so strong though! really cool!

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damifortune - Theme from "Super Mahou Kart"

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TrippleP - throat pain on christmas night with pain in the throat
Level 30 Mixist
post #149769 :: 2021.12.07 8:44pm :: edit 2021.12.07 8:57pm
  damifortune liēkd this
instead of using the fx commands to manually modulate the panning of the ambience instrument, you could have used an lfo together with sound2ctl

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