Level 26 Chipist
Commodore Plus/4

heart magic 
214th Σ4.763

brain tech 
168th Σ4.978

bleep plan 
110th Σ5.448

tweak tact 
220th Σ4.655

our winter pants 
229th Σ4.547

  190th/348   Σ24.392   Feb 5th 2024 11:33pm
Once I realized that TEDzakker supported different speeds per channel, I couldn't resist trying a phase piece.

For the unfamiliar:
"Phasing is a compositional technique in which the same part (a repetitive phrase) is played on two musical instruments, in steady but not identical tempi. Thus, the two instruments gradually shift out of unison, creating first a slight echo as one instrument plays a little behind the other, then a doubling effect with each note heard twice, then a complex ringing effect, and eventually coming back through doubling and echo into unison."[0]

This TEDphase cycles roughly every 1 minute and 38 seconds.

I must admit that chiptune phase music is not quite as satisfying as acoustic phase music, I think because of the lack of dynamic range and variance in timbre/harmonics. An interesting experiment nonetheless.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


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eskur - cold night drive
Level 31 Chipist
post #184109 :: 2024.02.06 5:55am
  agargara liēkd this
first terry riley, now steve reich... keep on bringing minimalism to battle of the bits :D altogether a pretty cool experiment, i maybe agree with you about the subtle differences in acoustic performance, but this is not really much different than using two tapes. i enjoyed it
Level 27 Chipist
post #187039 :: 2024.03.17 11:01am
  agargara liēkd this
ooooh this is nice, an unexpected addition for this chip.

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