♦ ALrite! So there's...
143,859 characters, with Unicode 13.0
Cant wait to order a Unicode COmplete keyboard some day to type a cool ascii art thing. THis is what I do with pressing alt+theNumber Pad to Chip Tunes:
•ʧ•○•@♦.♦=♠♦Ö♦♠♠╨P‼▌ÉÑȴʕȵå8ȴAhA♠WéÉ→A.BȵV♠♠.☻◘♣◘○;ʎAʘ♠♦♦@♠█bʎʎ○?ʎɋ○♦.ǐc♠᧓ᖨҎࣚᅧҤ♦᧿♦4♦ǯ፸ʶ♠♦ʦȧᅧƼX6○_█ÄAïʎ6A♠○,♥☺♣▬,╤.6a○,ʚȡn1♥Σ‼1â►.╩ΦN╨ͫΣ1╨@╨a│╨♠εDz@ϒ◘♣♣ɃɃ}UዩȂᦁᚘ╵ȸ𒒅╪ʉ8N1EA☺ɰ♦☻හŢ6ʆŢŠ#.♦♠♦♦☻ȴ♠ì Y^6♦§╚ä╤Ⅴ.Θ◘0╤Æ1aAÄ█ÄA
143,859 characters, with Unicode 13.0
Cant wait to order a Unicode COmplete keyboard some day to type a cool ascii art thing. THis is what I do with pressing alt+theNumber Pad to Chip Tunes:
•ʧ•○•@♦.♦=♠♦Ö♦♠♠╨P‼▌ÉÑȴʕȵå8ȴAhA♠WéÉ→A.BȵV♠♠.☻◘♣◘○;ʎAʘ♠♦♦@♠█bʎʎ○?ʎɋ○♦.ǐc♠᧓ᖨҎࣚᅧҤ♦᧿♦4♦ǯ፸ʶ♠♦ʦȧᅧƼX6○_█ÄAïʎ6A♠○,♥☺♣▬,╤.6a○,ʚȡn1♥Σ‼1â►.╩ΦN╨ͫΣ1╨@╨a│╨♠εDz@ϒ◘♣♣ɃɃ}UዩȂᦁᚘ╵ȸ𒒅╪ʉ8N1EA☺ɰ♦☻හŢ6ʆŢŠ#.♦♠♦♦☻ȴ♠ì Y^6♦§╚ä╤Ⅴ.Θ◘0╤Æ1aAÄ█ÄA