post #91041 ::
2017.10.07 10:16am :: edit 2017.10.07 11:34am ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Sgen entries need to be submitted as .vgm or .vgz files, which deflemask should allow you to export. Can you resubmit here? Once that's done, the page with your entry on it will give you the chance to upload an mp3 render alongside.
Not bad! I don't know how it sounded before you addressed the tonal quality, but it sounds pretty decent now. Some of those really high whistle register bell notes are inherently a bit shrill, but it's not too bad. Your melody and progression is nice and understated, sounds pretty good! Keep it up!
so i was watching a vinesauce vinny stream of sonic's schoolhouse on youtube and then suddenly some music starts playing so loud i could barely hear vinny. "i wonder when he's gonna notice this" i wonder to myself.
Almost two minutes passes and he still hasn't noticed the loud music. i pause the video and to my great surprise the music was still playing. I switch to this tab and notice that i've managed to somehow accidentally start this track without noticing.
So yeah for a second i thought this was the "sonic's schoolhouse theme tune" :D