Still Like the First Time
  Nov 10th 2024 12:55pm
A track for all those places and people where and with whom, no matter the circumstances, it seems to feel as delightful as the first time.

Another track, along with the WaveTracker tune, that strikes me as alarmingly major key-driven.

/ * / * / * /

Lightning in a bottle kind of thing: a drastically different idea in mind that became the song you hear now.

/ * / * / * /

• Made in Furnace 0.6.7
• Audio captured via Audacity
• mp3 normalized

/ * / * / UPDATE (11-10) / * / * /

Mainly added some instrumentation and a couple parts. Some touch-ups along the way, though.

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goluigi - THE LONG JOHN

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Level 2 n00b
John Favourite
post #200971 :: 2024.11.14 9:24pm
The percussion is really good!!
Level 24 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #200988 :: 2024.11.14 11:17pm
I love when that happens, start with something in mind but then some other idea takes hold and moves you to another place entirely. Lovely outcome on this one!! Sounds so laid back.

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