Level 26 Chipist

9th Σ6.082

67th Σ5.410

117th Σ5.342

frozen lake 
95th Σ5.286

hot chocolate in pants 
3rd Σ6.108

Spice Cookies
  25th/441   Σ28.228   Dec 8th 2023 4:46am
Spice cookies and hot spice wine.

# Ingredients
* 320g all-purpose flour
* 10g baking soda
* 2.5g salt
* 5g ground ginger
* 10g ground cinnamon
* 1g ground allspice
* 3g teaspoon ground cloves
* 1g teaspoon ground nutmeg
* 1g teaspoon ground cardamom
* 170g unsalted butter
* 100~200g brown sugar (depending on how sweet you like it)
* 1 large egg
* 5g vanilla extract
* 110g molasses

# Directions
1. Vigorously whisk together the dry ingredients (flour, baking soda, salt, spices) in a bowl and set aside.

2. Soften butter in microwave and beat until smooth. Add the sugar and beat until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add egg, vanilla extract, and molasses. Beat until combined, about 30 seconds. Scrape down sides of bowl with a rubber spatula.

3. Add dry ingredients and beat until just combined, about 30 seconds.

4. Place roughly 2 tbsp (40g) balls of dough on cookie sheets.

5. Bake at 190°C until the outer edges of the cookies begin to set and centers are soft and puffy, about 11 to 13 minutes. Cool cookies on sheets for 2 to 3 minutes.

Be careful not to overcook!
The cookies might look soft and undercooked when you take them out. They will harden after they cool.


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Level 18 Chipist
post #180466 :: 2023.12.08 10:15am
  cabbage drop and agargara liēkd this
This looks really nice

Now I wish I could just eat this image and taste the cookies, haha
Level 28 Mixist
post #180512 :: 2023.12.09 1:06am
  cabbage drop, lasersphaser and agargara liēkd this
jeezus this looks so good... definitely gonna use this recipe myself soon :evil:
Level 31 Chipist
post #180542 :: 2023.12.09 7:13am
  cabbage drop, mirageofher and agargara liēkd this
since i basically have all this stuff lying around anyway (except i need to go buy enough flour) i'm gonna try making this next week - i did some ingredient amount conversions since i don't have a scale, but i think it'll turn out well enough. i love this kind of cookie but have never made them!
Level 31 Chipist
post #180818 :: 2023.12.12 6:49am :: edit 2023.12.12 6:49am
  mirageofher, cabbage drop, lasersphaser and agargara liēkd this
update: i made the cookies and they are absolutely delicious

if anyone else wants to give it a shot, here's the ingredient conversions i used:

* 320g all-purpose flour = 2 2/3rds cups (i used some whole wheat flour mixed in too, about a third of it)
* 10g baking soda = 1 2/3rds tsp
* 2.5g salt = ~1 tsp
* 5g ground ginger = 3 tsp
* 10g ground cinnamon = ~4 tsp
* 1g ground allspice = 1/2 tsp
* 3g teaspoon ground cloves = 1.5tsp
* 1g teaspoon ground nutmeg = 1/2 tsp
* 1g teaspoon ground cardamom = 1/2 tsp
* 170g unsalted butter = ~6oz or 12 tbsp (didn't have quite enough so i did 8tbsp butter and 4tbsp canola oil, seemed to work)
* 100~200g brown sugar (depending on how sweet you like it) = 1/2 to 1 cup (i did a heaping 1/2 cup because i like less sweet)
* 1 large egg
* 5g vanilla extract = ~1 tsp
* 110g molasses = ~1/3 cup

baked at 375F for 13 minutes on middle rack and they turned out great, any more and the bottoms would've definitely gotten too brown though so the overcook warning is wise
Level 17 Chipist
post #180886 :: 2023.12.13 5:11pm
  cabbage drop and agargara liēkd this
oooooh i wanna make these...

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