Level 16 Chipist
NES/Famicom 2A03

68th Σ5.461

107th Σ4.850

blip factor 
62nd Σ5.456

73rd Σ5.264

NES in pants 
83rd Σ5.275

Shortcut to a Familiar Place
  73rd/231   Σ26.307   Jun 7th 2024 10:42pm
thing i wrote after i ended up taking a huge walk and, you guessed it, i took a shortcut to a familiar place.

in this song i embraced some things i liked doing back when i started composing:
1. minor 3rd ornament
play a note, play the note a minor 3rd above it, and play the original note again. do this in quick succesion and you got this cool ass sound! and it sounds even cooler when you line it up with the extensions of chords, for example:
take E major, the 7 and 9 extensions of it are D# and F#. and would you look at that! its a minor 3rd! now play the ornament starting from D# over E major and it sounds really cool!
this is such a familiar sound to me that i immediatly recognize it when i hear it.
ive heard it in mainly classical music for some reason, in Chopin's minute waltz (the 2nd part) and the climax of Ravel's prelude from Le Tombeau de Couperin (probably even more but i cant remember anything else)
2. C∆7 - Bb∆7
i liked playing a major 7 chord and then playing a major 7 chord a whole tone below it. it sounds cool! and i used a lot in this song.

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agargara - rhubarb

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Talen - Out of Time
Level 31 Chipist
post #191716 :: 2024.06.11 6:08am
nostalgia in a bottle!
Level 27 Chipist
post #193057 :: 2024.07.07 11:16pm
  Mugo liēkd this
cool tune and I appreciate the lil' music theory ruminations. I always love me some stacked thirds

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