Shirakawa Mountainside
  Feb 4th 2025 6:28am
Released in 1994, Road Rash was a vehicular racing/combat game for Windows PC.

It featured a number of changes such as the ability to choose characters, fleshed-out reputation and gossip systems and full-motion video sequences to advance a plot. The game features all-California locales for the most part, but I'd like to think that it would've been cool to see an expanded map featuring cool places around the world.

Inspired by this idea, Jakerson and I ended up plonkin' out a cool song that I think would fit well in an icy mountain road rash level that never came to light. Here's the Shirakawa Mountainside.

choose your character:


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alisongrace - stage 1a ~ the endless snow

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Viraxor - can you hear us?

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Level 21 Chipist
post #210358 :: 2025.02.04 6:30am
  Jakerson liēkd this
the link got borked so here:

choose your character and let's ride
dibs on bose
Level 23 Chipist
post #210362 :: 2025.02.04 7:28am
  Jakerson liēkd this
Cool tune! Feels right at home with the description, so I appreciate a good starting point to understanding its influence. Think the highlight for me was some midi shredding, not a common thing I hear in the format, so really enjoyed it here!

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