Level 19 Mixist

393rd Σ3.621

247th Σ4.617

404th Σ3.899

frozen lake 
294th Σ4.413

hot chocolate in pants 
253rd Σ4.747

Shimmering Snowfire
  343rd/441   Σ21.297   Dec 10th 2023 7:40pm
While my favorite soundchip to listen to is probably the MOS 6581 / SID, it can be a frustrating little menace to actually compose on. When it comes to composing, my favorite is definitely the YM2612, aka the meat of the Sega Genesis meat-and-potatoes combo.

My synth roots go back further than my chiptuning, so wrangling FM is a little bit closer to the brainstem than dealing with macros and effect commands, and the sheer unadulterated filth of the YM2612 aliasing does wonders for the occasional hyper-sterility of FM. I'm not exaggerating much when I say I could listen to riffs like the first one in this song for an hour. The real strength of the Genesis was always in the filthy, gritty, grungy sounds of old-school Electronic Arts games. No console before or since - not even the mighty SID - can really do dirty grit like the Sega Genesis can.

Anyway, when you have a YM2612, who needs anything else? Well, besides a second YM2612, of course - but I'd leave that for one with more skill or more time than myself, under these circumstances. Just one YM2612 here for me, please and thank you.

Oh, yeah, about the song itself - I dunno, I managed a bit that kinda sounds like bell-ringing, and I did my best to make the piano sound like it was made of icicles (though at a cost of also perhaps making it sound like being stabbed in the ear with those very same icicles - you be the judge), but it's a big dumb lumbering rock song with flies buzzing around it at heart, with some flamboyant showboaty solos on top. Like it or hike it.

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glotch - i got a freakin groove goin man!

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anizodotmp3 - drum'n'chip_ringtone
Level 31 Chipist
post #180735 :: 2023.12.11 6:16am
  mirageofher, Opilion, kilowatt64, cabbage drop and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
big appreciation for the unabashed love for the thing here! the gritty sounds are great. i'm almost surprised this *isn't* two chips, they sound so full and layered
Level 22 Chipist
post #182720 :: 2024.01.12 10:13pm
Love the melody! The song overall feels pretty hypnotic, these is very pleasant to hear

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