
descriptioncore tortia

None yet! =D/
Level 19 Mixist
Atari TIA Chip

413th Σ3.361

397th Σ3.738

350th Σ4.360

frozen lake 
296th Σ4.411

hot chocolate in pants 
393rd Σ3.929

Shark Attack
  392nd/441   Σ19.799   Dec 21st 2023 9:27pm
* Time to find and load TIATracker: ~1 min
* Time to remember that TIATracker is sin-ugly and that's why I never spent much time with it in the past: ~0.1 secs
* Time spent goofing around in TIATracker to get a feel for it: ~15 mins
* Time spent concluding that while TIATracker is unquestionably the most useful TIA tool and its envelope creation is surprisingly slick, the choice of colors for tracker background (dark blue), tracker highlight (slightly less-dark blue), and text (lighter blue, 8pt font) is utterly and insultingly fucking psychotic and I refuse to humor it: ~0.1 secs

* Time spent composing a song for TorTIA: ~2 hrs
* Time spent massaging Python to get hoary-ancient-ass tortia.py to run: ~15 mins
* Time spent trying to figure out why Stella was having a seizure when trying to run the tortia.py output: ~15 mins
* Time spent remembering and subsequently reflecting on the fact that TorTIA only allows for 512 rows: ~5 mins

(((Normally, at this point there'd be some debate over whether it'd be worth spending time converting everything over to TIATracker, but to be perfectly frank, I doubt anyone besides myself would enjoy the end result any more than they would an edited version, and, since I can already listen to the full-length .IT version as much as I want, there was, for all intents and purposes, no debate.)))

* Time spent debating whether to waste, at bare minimum, 30 minutes of my life for what will be, in 23d 14h, the same end result: ~0 secs
* Time spent crudely chopping original composition down to 512 essential rows that will successfully compile in TorTIA: ~5 mins
* Time spent recording and rendering mp3: ~5 mins

* Time spent thinking of a title: ~0.01 secs
* Time spent doing this writeup: ~15 mins
* Time spent trying to decide if there was time spent doing anything else: ~5 mins


previous entry
Opilion - wowokaynow

nextious entry
ArchiButtsqueak - the christmas treel
Level 31 Chipist
post #181371 :: 2023.12.22 6:18am
  cabbage drop, Opilion and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
i always enjoy all this documentation of the process, ha. not necessarily in the schadenfreude way, just delightful to hear peoples' processes
Level 21 Chipist
post #181387 :: 2023.12.22 2:54pm
  cabbage drop and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
Very cool in depth process of this!
Like the fast arpeggios in the song.
Level 21 Chipist
post #181840 :: 2023.12.28 7:19pm
  Post-retro and cabbage drop liēkd this
Such a solid entry! The bass line and the plodding percussion nudge you and mutter, "you see that fin out there in the water?" and then the glitchy bits hit and it's like "ITS A SHARK EVERYBODY PANIC." Love music that's illustrative like this.

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