Level 23 Pedagogist
14th Σ4.691

16th Σ4.693

11th Σ4.505

10th Σ4.366

Outhouse Love 
12th Σ4.832

Saloon's shady men
  12th/23   Σ23.086   Mar 20th 2016 7:35am
This is my very first nsf, also this is the first grand battle i am in : )

previous entry
Melon - Pearly Anna's Merry Travels

nextious entry
cheechee - Yeehaw
Level 0 n00b
post #65385 :: 2016.03.20 8:07pm
your track reminded me of when I was little and had to lower the volume of the television because they said it was a lot of noise.
Very well men, good luck!
Level 11 Playa
post #65392 :: 2016.03.21 2:51am
Little bit over the top use of the noise channel in my opinion, but great first NSF! Some enjoyable progression in here.
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #65395 :: 2016.03.21 4:14am
hahahah FranJohnson how loud do you were used to listen to nes music? = ) thank you a lot = D, yea RoccoW; you might be right since i frequent rhythmic metal styles, you just made me figured that the style in which i made the drums on my track are pretty much influenced from there rather than westen styled, thank you a lot for your kind words! i am definitely going to fix that on a eventual next compo =' )
Level 9 Chipist
post #65426 :: 2016.03.21 7:37pm
Pretty solid for a first NSF. I agree with RoccoW, the noise channel use is a little harsh for this style of song. Using some of the higher noise pitches and less coarse volume control might help.
Sidenote: I can't not hear School's Out in frame 02.
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #65442 :: 2016.03.21 9:11pm
  jmr liēkd this
thank you jmr! = ) it means a lot coming from one of my favorite chip-tuners in here = D yea, since i am not used to hear western chiptunes that much, i did not knew how to go about the drums and just managed to do it in a more rhythm-metal-ish style which one i'm more used to listen, nice tip over there = D i just went out with first sound that were similar to what i was seeking in the noise channel so did not realized there were higher pitches = ) i am definitely fixing that and the volume thing from now = D also hahahah that is a nice compliment = 3 thank you a lot!
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #65516 :: 2016.03.23 11:46am
thank you so much Apsarah =' D you are so nice! qq
Level 14 Chipist
post #65573 :: 2016.03.24 5:02pm :: edit 2016.03.24 5:03pm
Vilxdryad I'm very impressed!!

So, did you intend on copying "School's out" by Alice Cooper? Lol .. Other than, and the slight criticism that the noise channel is maybe a single bit too loud - really easy listening bluesy tune!! (I can swear here?)
Level 29 Chipist
post #65616 :: 2016.03.25 2:18pm
  OrdinateIsDead liēkd this
this is actually fantastic
Level 21 Criticist
post #65662 :: 2016.03.26 12:18pm
It's like fluidvolt's use of detune but not
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #65672 :: 2016.03.26 1:58pm
thank you so much bazz! = D hahahah i did not intended to copy anything at all, yea! i am definitely going to pay attention to the noise volume level of my next eventual tracks, woa you made me realize that it is quite a possibility; i always were about the idea that the western taverns's music have some bluesy kind of style = D, that is really a compliment coming from you Sinc-X! =' 3 i am really in love with yours jobs = D i absolutely appreciate your nice words! = ) nice that you listened to my track Xyz! i just searched for some fluidvolt's music and man he is amazing; indeed, i did found out some similar kind detune in his instruments, i am glad to being compared with such top-notch musician! =' D thank you so much! =' )
Level 21 Criticist
post #65680 :: 2016.03.26 3:34pm
You can find the examples I'm talking about in the /demo modules/ folder that came with FT. Pannonica and Gusts of Aeolus
Level 10 Mixist
post #66530 :: 2016.04.23 12:30pm
Listen, you might not see this, but if you do, could we please talk
Level 23 Pixelist
post #91418 :: 2017.10.19 5:14pm :: edit 2017.10.19 5:15pm
  YQN and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Wow, this actually v. good
Oh noes, a wild abrupt ending appeared :D

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