Ambitious, I like it!
5 months in teh making.
Made some Metal out of Metal that was made for Metal compo and now it's gonna be in a not Metal compo but a cover compo cuz as all we know chiptunes are Metal and AY is even more Metal but real Metal is the most Metal among the Metal kinds so I made real Metal out of AY Metal and it's poop Metal cuz those are Metal VSTs and not Metal instruments but should be Metal enough.
Strongly derives from Xaser's "a nordic dragontayle" http://battleofthebits.com/arena/Entry/a+nordic+dragontayle.mp3/11577/
Used 3xShreddage + Guitar Pro 5, EZDrummer 2, refx Nexus, Synth1 and a random bass sample.
320kb/s version: http://botb.club/~zlew/uploads/SHREDDED DRAGONS.mp3