Level 23 Pixelist
Amiga MOD

Commpare and Dispair 
57th Σ4.175

48th Σ4.603

Adorbs Odor 
44th Σ4.542

Tramiel Commando 
47th Σ4.491

POKE in Pants 
58th Σ4.025

Rubber Fig
  53rd/75   Σ21.837   Nov 26th 2016 10:32am
Completely different track from scratch, since i really wanted to submit something that would comply with rules. Rather bassy tune, I'm not exactly happy with it, amigamod feels limited for someone's not used to abuse the channels in creative way (excuses //cough// excuses lol), BUT at least it should play on the real computer now.

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funute - Break Against

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Mistor Moniter - Maritime Loader
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #74565 :: 2016.12.03 3:54am
  MiDoRi liēkd this
Nice! Solid melodies, and all the instruments sound tits! I like the change up with the tingy string at 1:27~ alot. Super dope drums as well. This gives me vibes of shadowrun from the snes. n e way, great shtuff!
Level 23 Pixelist
post #74570 :: 2016.12.03 5:02am :: edit 2016.12.27 11:15am
  th4 D34D liēkd this
Thanks, actually it could have sounded much better with different samples, but i didn't have any ideas, and I ignored the chords but on the other side, i'm not used to Amigamod (this is my first full tune done this way) =3

Post-resluts edit: here's the final version
of it, decided to upload after the results going public, to prevent influencing voting, otherwise this would've been unfair.

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