Level 23 Mixist
9th Σ4.008

4th Σ5.602

4th Σ5.710

9th Σ4.799

blown pants 
6th Σ5.152

Rescue Mission: The Game - Rescue The Children!
  7th/14   Σ25.273   Jun 14th 2020 5:04am
Rescue all the children.
Additionally, you can rescue some pandas too. Or, you could kill them, but why'd you ever want to let THAT happen? This game is really good because you can jump on platforms and climb ladders.

The game has FOUR levels containing 5 children to rescue each. To win the game you must beat ALL of them.
The levels are the following:
1 - Northern Pastures: The kids are happily running around with no trouble. They're good at dodging the attacks of local hobos.
2 - Inside A Computer: One of the kids (undoubtedly Eastern European) learned to hack computers and transmitted everyone into cyberspace! Threats inside a computer include angry computers and weird glitches.
3 - Fistland: Kids are violently held under strict power and total control and their wills being suppressed. Running your mouth here might get your nose broken.
4 - Mummy's Tomb: They surely found an interesting target location for their little exploration trip...? No living creature inhabits these depths. The only beings you'll run into here don't even have a pulse. All the kids may as well be cursed by a spirit by now.


If you cannot see or hear anything when opening the .html that's likely because your browser doesn't load local resources for security reasons. Look it up on Google to figure out how to disable this restriction on whatever browser you use. I didn't bother providing these instructions here because On My Machine It Runs Just Fineā„¢ and any of the 3 browsers I tested this on don't have any problems. If the canvas renders with text and sprite images but you don't hear sound, you have disabled autoplay on your browser, re-enable it because the music is very good. If you run this on anything else than the latest versions of FireFox or Chrome I don't take responsibility for any bugs or errors. Otherwise I take responsibility for all of them.


- If you're just beginning to play do not try to get all 5 kids from each level, as some of them are in tricky places that beginners are unable to reach. Instead go for the three easiest ones and have one as a backup in case you lose one etc. Gathering more than 3 kids per level only benefits you when going for a high ranking (it shows in the ending screen). Every 5 kids you rescue (have to finish level) also gets you one extra life.

- When you're unsure about what's beneath a ledge, you can hold down arrow key to move the camera to check if there are platforms safe to jump on.

- Seek out extra lives. They're scattered around the maps to make dying less punishing and to reward exploration.

- Note that the green mushroom is not an extra life, it's an extra hit point. Also note that you'll automatically lose if three children get killed as the minimum amount rescued to pass a level is 3.

- "P+++" is the highest possible rank that can be achieved (P there stands for Panda)

- For the record, the game only registers children as dead if you finish a level with them dead. As long as you have extra lives you can try rescuing all of them as many times as you want without it hurting your statistics. Simply exiting a level without rescuing someone doesn't count as killing them.

Like all my other games, this too has only one music track. Get used to it!

And remember: Fazer not Phaser, ok?


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tfx - BotBuilder

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funute - spacechips
Level 32 Chipist
post #122543 :: 2020.06.14 7:15am
  Lia liēkd this
im too dumb to beat this game but it works very well and i like it!
im kinda glad theres no penis sprite in botb's spritesheet so you were not able to make another shooter game like last time lmao
i like the music song as well :3
Level 22 Chipist
post #122546 :: 2020.06.14 7:51am
  Post-retro and DimWiddy liēkd this
I'd highly recommend zooming out the screen so you can see more of the level. I kept hitting enemies I couldn't see in time to react to.
Level 28 Chipist
post #122557 :: 2020.06.14 12:18pm
  Post-retro, tennisers, DimWiddy and DevEd liēkd this
This would be pretty neat, but it's absurdly zoomed in.
Level 21 Mixist
post #122599 :: 2020.06.14 9:16pm :: edit 2020.06.14 9:16pm
  Lia liēkd this
Level 23 Mixist
post #122616 :: 2020.06.15 12:10am
Guys, try this: Hold down C to adjust "Camera level". This will make the camera move forward in advance so you won't suddenly run into enemies coming from the direction you're running in.

I tried to make everything big enough so that it wouldn't be required to draw 100+ of objects/tiles on the screen in order not to cause too much lag on lower PCs or laptops. The game is generally fast-paced and action-packed so good reflexes are a must!
Level 30 Chipist
post #122906 :: 2020.06.20 6:11pm
  Lia liēkd this
I like the concept and the spritesheet usage, but agree with kleeder, I feel dumb for not figuring out the first level :(

+1 to zooming out the camera, feels really easy to get lost and not know where to go (maybe arrow hints would help too since we see so little of the level?). Also the fact that you can lose the children to enemies feels weirdly over-punishing.
Level 23 Mixist
post #122912 :: 2020.06.21 1:04am
None of the levels has a single "right" solution, partially because they're more open world than linear type (except the final level the beginning of which is quite linear). All the levels have multiple possible routes, paths and orders to go through them in. In fact, when playtesting I took a different path almost every time I played through the game.

I encourage you to find your own "best" routes that are the most viable for you and taking your goals into account, whether you want to get highest points at the end or save all the pandas to get a "+" rank or just beat the game with minimal requirements.


Here is one way of doing the first level. Notice that I intentionally leave one child behind to pick it up later. This is a strategic decision, as the game gets progressively harder the more children you try to rescue because the line gets longer and it will force you to plan your moves ahead (sometimes in a rush, when there are multiple enemies attacking on you at once). So in certain situations, you want to minimize the length of the line for as long as possible, IF possible. This mechanic actually plays a big part in the dynamic difficulty of the game, which basically allows you to do either the "minimal requirements playthrough" or a full S++ rank rescue mission (or any mixture between those two) without specifically having to pick a difficulty option at the start.

The children closest to you are less likely to die in an attack so if you're playing it safe you obviously want the 3 closest children not include the panda.

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